Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 4 of pics and Zumba!

So today I was off of work and I had a nice day with my hubby. We got up around 10 and went and ran some errands then came home and relaxed until around 515 then we headed off to the gym and I went to zumba it was a blast! I love it then when I was done I did some ab workouts and walked on the stairmaster until hubby was done with his workout. I came home and used my steamer to make some fish and veggies and everything came out delish! So now I'm onto day four of the 30days of pics.

Day 4:
A picture of your night
When I got home from Zumba
Cant wait for Thursday's Zumba!


  1. Love the picture, Christina! Way to go on that exercise! :)

  2. you need one of those tanks that the words only show up when you sweat!
