Monday, September 27, 2010

Weigh in!!

So this morning I got on the scale and it was at 185.6!!! I'm .4 away from my first 10lbs loss so in my book that counts I can't wait to see what it is next week!! Tonight I went to a kickboxing class it was awesome so intense and I will for sure being going most monday's. The only bad part was that I did my resistance training this morning and worked out my arms big time and the class was a lot of arms. Not a good idea so I will not be doing that again before I go to the class. Did anyone else have a weigh in today if so how did it go??

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

My husband. He is such an amazing man and saved me from an awful relationship. He is always there for me and is always so loving. I don't know where I would be without him and I love him so much. God has blessed me with an amazing man!

Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
No one has made it hell but I have had my share of some bad boyfriends. Ones that were physically, mentally, and verbally abusive. A couple cheated on me but that has made me appreciate my husband so much more. I never worry or think twice about him cheating on me.


    1. Congrats girl! I just hit my 10lb mark too! <3

    2. Great job!!! I lost a pound. This puts me at 42 pounds down.
      Have a great week!! :)

    3. Yikes I bet you have jelly arms! Been there-at least it's not jelly legs! ;-) Congrats on the loss!

      Polar's Mom

    4. Congrats on the ten pound mark! That is awesome! :D

      I am a new follower BTW. :)

    5. Congrats Christina! You're doing great! :)
