Thursday, September 2, 2010

A lot of catching up to do...

It's been a few days since I last wrote, I don't even know why I have been coming on and reading everyone Else's blogs but haven't had the motivation to write in my own. I guess now that I have built up a following I should write more  : ). Sunday was a fail for me all of my hard work pretty much went down  the drain that day and my lack of sleep finally caught up with me. First off the day before we once again went out with some friends and they wanted to go to a wine bar. That is my biggest weakness!  So we went and I had a wine flight which was amazing by the way I figure why deprive myself of things I love. I'm going to die in the end anyway so why not do what I like but still not give up on my goal or over indulge! We got some food while we were there but it was the healthier options but then we went and  had frozen yogurt. That I'm sure I could of have done without but whatever. So the next morning is my weekly weigh in and I figured I would of have lost something but the scale was not liking me that morning. I Went from 191.8lbs the previous week to 192.2 which I understand is nothing but just seeing a higher number after a hard week of work bums me out. So fast forward to that night I had just got home from work and was lounging around with hubby. I had to make dinner but could not find the motivation to make anything. I really I mean REALLY wanted pizza. I figured its quick and easy and I can just sit on the couch with my hubby and watch grey's anatomy and eat pizza. Well that didn't happen the hubs would not let me order pizza and it made me so angry and put me in a bad mood. It's pretty bad when I get that pissed about not being able to eat something even when its in my best interest. So I ended up cooking dinner and my recipe for the day was a turkey burger with cottage fries (12skinny ones) and a salad and it was so good! I was proud of myself for eating well and not giving in to my huge craving even though I would have if hubby wasn't around. Isn't that awful!

So I started week three of Power 90 and the workouts still kick my butt and I'm only on level 1-2. I put in the dvd for level 3-4 just to see what I should be expecting and it is exactly the same thing just at a way faster pace. I already have a hard time keeping up then they expect me to put it in fast forward mode! Well that won't be for about another 4weeks so hopefully I will be able to keep up.

On Monday I went to the store to get my groceries for the week but have been having a hard time finding soy nuts so I thought I would try sprouts before heading to the regular store. That may have been the best decision I have ever made. I had never been there before and so I found the soy nuts and decided to look around and see what else on my list I could get. They had almost everything I needed and some things were in a way healthier form. So I go to check out and thought it would be pretty expensive and I only spent $60! The same things would have cost me over $100 at fry's. So Sprouts is my new go to place. I was so happy.  So my eating plan has some amazing food on it like I have said before. I can't believe some of the recipes it has on there they are so good! So I wanted to share another for all the cat fish lovers out there. I had never  had catfish but I tried it and it was amazing!! Recipes are from

Pan Fried Catfish
Prep Time: 5 minutes or less
Total Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons milk, fat-free
  • 4 1/2 ounces catfish fillet, raw
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 3 tablespoons corn flakes, plain


  • Pour milk into shallow dish; dip fish into milk and turn to coat.
  • Stir together garlic powder, pepper and corn flake crumbs with a fork. Pour onto a plate and dip fish, turning to coat.
  • Coat skillet lightly with cooking spray; heat on medium. Add fish and cook 3 minutes; turn and heat an additional 2 minutes. Reduce heat to low and continue to heat several more minutes, or until fish flakes easily with a fork.
Garlic Spinach
Prep Time: 5 minutes or less
Total Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • 1/2 teaspoon olive oil
  • 4 cups spinach, fresh, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon garlic, chopped
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


  • Heat olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and sauté for 1-2 minutes. Add spinach and stir until wilted. Season with pepper and lemon juice.
Corn Bread
Prep Time: 5 minutes or less
Total Time: 5 minutes or less
Cook Time: 0 minutes
  • 1 piece cornbread, 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 inch


  • Prepare corn bread per package directions.
  • Cut a 2.5 x 2.5 inch piece and enjoy for dinner.


    1. I've heard so much about Power 90 the past few days. I really need to see about getting the kit. :)

    2. Just remember that the weight gain (as small as it may be) is prolly muscle.. and it'll help you burn more calories later.. I'm glad you resisted the pizza urge.. That's awesome!

      Btw, loving the signature.. i'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks they make the blog nicer and kinda "professional" looking..
