Sunday, May 22, 2011

really in the mood for a run

random I know why can't I feel this way when it's not 11pm lol. I think I am going to head out in the morning and do it along with my zumba class at 530. Like I have said before I am in a wedding in june and I would like to be down 10lbs before then. I got my bridesmaid dress today and I ordered it back in Jan (not by choice since I knew I would be down in lbs) and of course its way too big. Which of course isn't a bad thing I'm just not looking forward to the cost of having it brought in. Here are a few pics

thats how much I had to pull it to fit right

I don't know how long it takes for a dress to be altered though. I'm still trying to drop some pounds before the weddding so I don't want to do it quite yet any suggestion...

well its time for bed I'm thinking of joining a boot camp class in june but more on that tomorrow


  1. You have done so well and you look amazing!

    Dress altering should only take a few days depending on where you go =]


  2. Yeah. I have a friend that does alterations and she did my wedding dress the week of my wedding. So I'm sure a bridesmaid dress shouldn't take too long. I would give them a week though or maybe two just because there is a lot of alterations needed. Just in case it's not right the first time!! Awesome feeling though good for you! You look great!! The wedding will be so much more fun!!!

  3. That is so awesome Christina! I hope it wont cost much and I am sure they will be able to do it qucikly.

  4. Wow, look at how huge that dress is on you! Fabulous!

  5. Awesome! Where do you go for zumba?
