It's been a while since I have wrote about my P90X journey. When we got to the third week of the first phase we got little sidetracked and kept putting off the workouts, and our meal plan fell through. So we decided to repeat that week and started off strong and then lost it again. So hubby and I said to eachother lets just start the week four which is the recovery week and then start with phase two the following week. but once again that fell through we only did the day and got sidetracked. Its so hard to stay motivated sometimes... I want the results but when I get off of work the last thing I want to do is to work out for an hour even when its in my own living room. It's hard for me to get off the couch and just do it but I know when I do it that I will feel good and be happy with myself, and that it may not be what I want to do now but when the 90days is over I know I actually accomplished something and I know that there will be results even if I dont hit my goal there is no way that there will not be something that doesn't happen. So Hubby and I decided July will be the month to "bring it" following the meal plan as much as possible and really pushing ourselves in the workout. So we did our measurements for the past 30 days and I gained about 1/2 a pound which upset me but my bfp went down 2% so I'm figuring muscle caused the gain. I have always been told to stay away from the scale at first because it may show increase but for some reason I can't seem to stay away from it so its now sitting in my garage to ease the temptation.
Anyway, My waist went down 2 inches but nothing in my hips. My right leg lost an inch but the left stayed the same. Also my chest went up like 1/4 inch which I found strange. So not the results I was hoping for but any change is good I guess. We took our "30" day photos and I can't see a difference but I have noticed for most people the results at that stage are minimal.
We started the first week of phase one on Tuesday. The plan is almost identical to before, for me being on the lean plan only one day changes. I did core synergistics on Tuesday and tried to do everything the best I could. I still can't get the hang of that "Dreya Roll" but I the squat xpress thing and did all 30 Yay me!!! Then Wednesday was Cardio X. Once again I did almost all of it and was dripping in sweat. We decided to start up with c25k again and did the 8 min run 5min walk interval, and it busted my butt but I was able to do both 8min runs which felt awesome. As we were walking back to the house I was telling Steve that I could remember barley being able to do the 1min run and now running 8 without stopping!! It was so hot though still in the 100's at 10:00 at night. I was dripping in sweat but it felt awesome to get back out there again and start running.
Tonight is our 20min run with c25k without any walking dont know how thats going to go but I'm ready to try it!! I did chest, shoulders and triceps last night that was super hard, push ups are not my thing but I did the girlie ones and I feel I did a pretty good job. Super sore today but it makes me happy to know I actually did something to get my muscles sore. Tonight is yoga again.... oh how I loathe it but i know its worth it. I'm going to try to keep up with this blog to keep me motivated. Maybe even get some readers : ) have a full four weeks of working out and rt
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